Theses supervising

I also offer supervising of bachelor and diploma theses regarding computational geometry, computer modeling, descriptive geometry, didactics of mathematics and geometry. If you are a student interested in thesis supervising feel free to contact me.

Supervised Theses

Adam Smetana: Spatial Geometry in Secondary School Education, Bachelor thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 2018.

Iva Pecinová: Geometric Constructions of Linear Perspective and its Application in Practice, Diploma thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 2017.

Eliška Chudáčková: Computer Representation of Surfaces, Diploma thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 2015.

František Frühbauer: Geometric Principles of Photogrammetry, Diploma thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 2017.

Zdeňka Javorská: Kinematic Geometry in the Plane, Diploma thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 2016 – first place in the national competition of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists.

Yulianna Tolkunova: Geometry of Shadows, Diploma thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 2016.

Eliška Chudáčková: Computer Modeling of Curves, Bachelor thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 2014.

Radka Matěková: Algorithms for geometric projections of surfaces, Diploma thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 2014.

Yulianna Tolkunova: Geometry of shadows, Bachelor thesis, MFF UK, Prague, 2014 – second place in the national competition of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists.

František Frühbauer: Reconstruction of photographs, Bachelor thesis, MFF UK, Prague, defended 2013.

Eliška Hejlová: Modern approach to teaching spatial geometry, Diploma thesis, MFF UK, Prague, defended 2013.

Radka Matěková: Anaglyphs and their application in teaching stereometry, Bachelor thesis, MFF UK, Praha, 2012.

Vojtěch Pekař: Regular and semi-regular solids in higher dimensions, Bachelor thesis, MFF UK, Praha, 2011 – special award in the national competition of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists.

Eliška Hejlová: System for support of conic sections teaching, Bachelor thesis, MFF UK, Praha, defended 2011 – first place in the national competition of the Union of Czech Mathematicians and Physicists.

Petra Surynková  2007  +++  +++  +++  Aktualizováno: 20.3.2018