3D Modeling

This part of web is dedicated to 3D modeling. I created these 3D models with software Rhinoceros (NURBS modeling for Windows) and I use these outputs as study materials in my lessons at Charles University in Prague and Czech Technical University in Prague. The outputs can be also used for home schooling and e-learning. You can see the following galleries.

The gallery Surfaces deals with the creation of surfaces and shows special types of surfaces. The gallery Geometry in architecture shows the examples of using geometric shapes in building practice. The gallery Geometry in technical design is devoted to the examples of using geometric shapes in engineering. The images are not available for free download but feel free to ask if you want to use it for study purposes.

Surfaces Geometry in architecture Geometry in technical design
Petra Surynková  2007  +++  www.surynkova.info  +++  petra.surynkova@seznam.cz  +++  Aktualizováno: 19.9.2011